Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Secret Trio

Have a secret you're just itching to tell? Every feel completely lost in your imaginary school world? Tired of what''s going on around you?
If this sounds like you,then you're not alone. We:Nicole,Ashely,and Aubrie all feel the same way. Feel free to make this site a get away in the busyness of your day.


Anonymous said...

My school has been annoying. if you wear black your emo and if you wear pink your a prep.If you wear green your a weird freak, and finally if you play and instrument(Bass guitar for me) YOUR A FREAKY IDIOT! its not right...Do you feel the same?

chocolateskye said...

your right that is annoying.i wear all those colors(my mom makes me wear pink)(DX)and im emo!you should tell those jerks off!i mean, you could be a star 1 day! just the same as i could be a great artist 1 day(although my friends say i already am)!that pisses me off!you know what im no longer asking you 2 tell them off, im TELLING u 2 tell them off!